Calculate your organization's CO2 footprint!

Updated on
September 13, 2022
Calculate your organization's CO2 footprint!
Nickel van de Mortel
Applied Smart Industry
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Calculate your organization's CO2 footprint!

Calculate your organizations emissions of greenhouse gasses using this free CO2 calculator. Create awareness, make your CO2 emissions transparent and save on your energy consumption.

Using this calculation, you can identify where in the organization pollution occurs, and implement concrete measures to reduce it. By performing this calculation annually, you can immediately see the results of the savings measures you have taken. 

Go to the CO2 calculator from Klimaatplein: click here [Dutch version].
Go to the CO2 calculator from Greenfeet (sign up required): click here [English version].
Go to the CO2 calculator from Carbon Trust: click here [English version].

Image by on Freepik

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