Dent IoT Multisensor

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Dent IoT

Dent IoT Multisensor

Dent IoT is a Dutch electronics engineering company from Rotterdam. The company was founded in 2016 in Rotterdam as a spin-off from RDM Makerspace (currently known as RDM Next). Their goal is both to design, develop and manufacture custom Internet of Things solutions, and to bring various solutions to the market themselves. One example of the latter is their multisensor, which has been co-developed in collaboration with Miggy. 

Each Multisensor features 7+ sensors, such as vibration, humidity, temperature, and location. The multisensor can be connected through the LoRa network or Bluetooth to a platform of choice. So, whether you are looking for only hardware or a complete IoT solution, the multisensor may support your needs.

Hardware & design

The standard casing of the multisensor is IP68 rated and measures 74 millimeters in length, 28 millimeters in width, and 23 millimeters in height. The casing is made of a hard plastic and feels sturdy. It’s designed to be easily attachable to any surface by using either a mounting plate, tie-wraps, tape or a magnet. For industrial usage, the mounting plate or magnet is recommended. The casing is not ATEX approved, but Dent IoT provides custom cases for clients with specific needs, this can be an ATEX requirement, or for example a bigger battery. 

Every multisensor has 7 standard measurements: vibration, orientation, temperature, relative humidity, light intensity, air pressure, and a 3-axis magnetometer. Through the triangulation feature of the LoRa network, it is also possible to determine the sensor's location. Through additional sensor add-ons, the end-user may add other measurements and features, such as an alarm which rings when the sensor is picked up. 

The claimed battery life is up to 3 years with 56 uplinks per day, however this might be significantly increased or reduced depending on the usage. Fortunately, Dent IoT offers a service to increase the case size for additional battery capacity. 

Software & installation  

The device will be pre-configured before delivery, but through an online environment the user is enabled to change settings regarding for example measurement frequency, transmission frequency, sensor accuracy. 

Most prominent feature

The most prominent feature of the multisensor is the ability to connect the sensor to a data platform of choice (including a standard platform). This enables the user to integrate the sensor into the organizational data layers, enabling interoperability through Smart Industry.


The multisensor is a sensor with a lot of features, a promising battery life, and great flexibility regarding data processing. The multisensor consists of 7 sensors (with optional additional sensors), such as vibration, temperature, and location, and as a result of this, the sensor can be used for various applications, including Smart Industry. The battery should last up to 3 years, but the optional custom casing enhances the sensors flexibility even more, for example to accomodate a bigger battery. Last but not least, the ability to connect the sensor to a data platform of the end-user's choice is a huge advantage, enabling the integration of the data deep into the organizational layers.

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